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Surgical procedures
Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts and endometriosis
Hysterectomy (laparoscopic assisted, vaginal, and abdominal)
Pelvic floor repair, including rectocele repair and cystocele repair
Myomectomy (fibroid removal)
Hysteroscopy with or without Dilation and curettage
Novasure (Ablation)
Plus additional procedures
Fairview Park Hospital
We have privileges at Fairview Park Hospital to provide services for your major surgical operations as well as any minimally invasive procedure you may need.
In-Office Procedures
In-office procedures​
Colposcopy (cervical cancer detection procedure)
Endometrial biopsy
LEEP (to treat high-grade cervical dysplasia)
IUD Insertion
Surgical services and more

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